Scope 1,2,3 emissions

Why is this important?

We are aware that greenhouse gas emissions from our operations are significantly contributing to climate change. Reducing these emissions is an important strategic target for OMV Petrom and we see it as an opportunity to reduce the impact on the environment and to secure our company’s stability for the future.

Our commitment

In the 2030 Business Strategy, we have set specific interim targets for a short- (2025) and medium- (2030) term period to ensure we meet our 2050 ambition for Net Zero operations.


By 2025, we plan to reduce the carbon intensity from our operations (Scope 1) by 13% (vs. 2019). The 2030 commitment is to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions of our operations by ~30%, and by 20% for our total footprint including Scope 1, 2 and relevant Scope 3 emissions (vs. 2019).

We measure

We calculate on a yearly basis our GHG emissions Scope 1, Scope 2 in E&P and R&M and G&P operations and relevant Scope 3 emissions.

We act

We are actively working to mitigate the GHG emissions along the value chain, and we set targets for decreasing our GHG intensity levels.

We check
  • The calculations for the EU-ETS installations are verified by a third-party accredited company, according to legal requirements
  • We perform regular data quality checks to ensure that the approach for GHG accounting and reporting is properly implemented
  • The Environmental Management System EMS – ISO 14001 is regularly audited for recertification
We train

Our environmental training includes valuable information on GHG emissions topics like inventory management, calculation methodology and auditing processes.

We plan
  • Phasing out routine flaring and venting in E&P by 2030
  • Energy efficiency improvements
  • Fugitive methane emissions reduction through process optimization, field modernization, and integrity improvement measures in E&P
Our key actions

We continued the implementation of projects aiming to reduce flaring, venting and fugitive methane emissions by upgrading, replacing and/or optimizing gas processing and transport infrastructure.

  • In 2022, we began operation of a new gas treatment station for Low Temperature Separation (LTS) at Icoana compressor station (E&P Asset Valahia). The new unit helps to recover an additional gas amount (methane), which is now made available for sale. In 2022, approximately 7,400 tones CO2eq were avoided. By this investment we estimate the avoidance of approximately 24,000 tons of CO2 eq/year.
  • Other operational measures were continued for optimizing flows and processes in E&P operations like gas flows rerouting and turnaround optimizations which led to a significant decrease of venting and flaring volumes.
  • Installation of G2P/CHP power plants to make use of the energy of the associated gases, that otherwise would not have been used. Thus, electricity and thermal energy for oil heating and separation processes are obtained and used exclusively in OMV Petrom E&P. In 2022, G2P Suplac was put in function with a capacity of approximately 6 MW and other two are installed: G2P Cosmești, in Asset Valahia, with a capacity of 2 MW and CHP Bradești, in Asset Oltenia, with a capacity of 1.5 MW.

In addition, in 2022, the Methane Emissions Program (Operations CH4llenge) focused on the Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) program and continued the actions of the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) program.


Other relevant low carbon projects continued or implemented in 2022 were:

  • The Climate Neutral Card, through which companies can offset carbon emissions resulting from fuel usage. In 2022, 50 companies chose to offset their carbon emissions through the Climate Neutral Card.
  • A new service was launched with the aim to generate awareness at individual level for reducing global CO2 emissions. Through this service customers who fill their cars with the high quality OMV MaxxMotion Performance Fuels will automatically offset 20% of their CO2 emissions while driving. OMV Petrom supports international and local carbon offsetting projects from the Climate Partner portfolio that are certified through VCS.
  • Electro-mobility – over 100 charging points were installed by the end of 2022 (currently there are 120 charging points).
  • Small Hybrid Energy Efficiency Projects – OMV Petrom developed several small hybrid energy efficiency projects to use the renewable energy and make its facilities more energy efficient, as follows:
    • Solar to Power (S2P) and Gas to Power (G2P) “pilot” projects completed a Icoana in Asset Muntenia Vest
    • Combined Heat and Power (CHP) installed at Brădesti in Asset Oltenia
    • G2P installed at Cosmești in Asset Valahia


In 2022, 73% of electricity consumption in E&P operations was covered from internal production of G2P, CHP and S2P units. On the medium and long-term, the intention is to cover the electricity needs of the OMV Petrom E&P Division with similar projects.

Direct GHG Emissions (Scope 1)

In 2022, OMV Petrom’s carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions levels directly related to our operations (Scope 1) totaled 3.93 mn t CO2eq, ~3% lower (2021: 4.04 mn t CO2eq). Other GHGs are not relevant for our business and are not included.

Five of our operating installations were under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) at the end of 2022 and around 76% of our direct GHG emissions come from these installations. The figures for the EU-ETS installations are externally verified by an accredited company, according to the relevant legislation.

Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 2)

OMV Petrom’s indirect GHG emissions (scope 2) are those related to the production of the energy we purchased (electricity and heat) for our operations. In 2022, the indirect GHG emissions totaled 0.08803 mn t CO2eq (2021: 0.0939 mn t CO2eq). The Scope 2 emissions are primarily generated by our energy-intensive E&P, R&M and G&P businesses. We are continuously working to identify ways to reduce the electricity and steam purchased and to increase the use of own produced electricity and steam. At the same time, we are also looking at feasible options to purchase and use electricity and steam from renewable sources.

Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 3)

In 2022, Scope 3 emissions were 23.03 mn t CO2eq (2021: 23.33 mn t CO2eq) and are related to the total product sales volumes of OMV Petrom as a stand-alone company. Scope 3 emissions from the use and processing of our products account for 85% of our impact in terms of GHG emissions. Therefore, the development of low-carbon products and new energy solutions to reduce this major impact is in our focus to address Climate Change and Energy Transition.

Results (KPI, other indicators)
  • Scope 1 emissions totaled 3.93 mn t CO2eq
  • Scope 2 emissions totaled 0.08803 mn t CO2eq
  • Scope 3 emissions were 23.03 mn t CO2eq


See Performance in detail – Environmental Performance


GHG Emission reductions Scope 1 have impact on emissions intensity and can be viewed in the tables summarizing emission intensity. Annual CO2 eq emissions Scope 1 are grouped per certain business output using the following measurement units: E&P: t CO2 eq/toe, Petrobrazi Refinery: t CO2 eq/t throughput, CCPP: t CO2 eq/MWh, consolidated into a Carbon Intensity Index of OMV Petrom operations, based on weighted average of the business segments’ carbon intensity.

  • Reduced the 2022 GHG Intensity of our operations (Scope 1) in by ~24% vs. 2010 and by ~11% vs. 2019

We will continue our program for phasing out routine flaring and venting, as well fugitive methane emissions.


Our planned energy efficiency projects also play a crucial role in reducing our carbon footprint. Examples of projects planned to be implemented starting 2023 and included in E&P’s Energy Efficiency Program with a capacity of 17 MW:

  • Solar to Power (S2P) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) to start operating at Brădesti in Asset Oltenia
  • Solar to Power (S2P) and Gas to Power (G2P) to start operating at Cosmești in Asset Valahia
  • Wind to Power (W2P) “pilot” project in Asset Moldova starting operating


Also, Petrobrazi Refinery’s Advanced Process Control System (APC) in Catalytic Reforming is planned.


Another initiative planned for 2023 is replacing the lighting in Petrom City with LED technology, as part of a more complex modernization project.


Our ambition is to reach over 200 charging points for alternative fueled vehicles by 2025, and a minimum of 500 such points installed in our network by 2030.