Energy Efficiency

Why is this important?

OMV Petrom operates large facilities and is a major energy consumer as an integrated oil and gas company. The amount of energy we use has a significant climate impact. The efficient use of energy contributes to less energy consumption and the reduction of GHG emissions.

Our commitment

The Energy Policy Statement, applicable to all business divisions, reflects our commitment to continuously improve the energy performance across all business segments in which we operate. Internal governance on energy efficiency is performed by two bodies: Energy Efficiency Council and Energy Efficiency Committee.


According to the 2030 Business Strategy, new energy solutions are envisaged to consolidate OMV Petrom’s portfolio to prepare and monitor low carbon business roadmap for execution.

Our binding targets for 2020-2030:

  • Minimize greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increase share of renewable energy consumption
  • Improve energy efficiency performance
We measure
  • The energy performance indicators and estimated consumptions through the ongoing management programs; we analyze the data and identify new programs for the next period
  • We are continuously monitoring the legal requirements in the energy field and conduct internal audits as part of the Energy Management System according to ISO 50001
We act

We set targets and monitor and measure the processes and their key characteristics with the aim of improving our environmental performance, including energy consumption.

Each division within OMV Petrom has its own energy performance indicators that are monitored, recorded, and reviewed regularly. We have set targets for the Refinery to reach energy index ratings and assess areas for improvement in energy efficiency.

We check

Auditing for certification is performed to maintain our certification under ISO 50001.

We train
  • Training is performed according to the energy management system (Energy Efficiency Auditor course and refresher sessions)
  • We have certified Energy Efficiency Managers for all divisions, as per the legal requirement for companies with and energy consumption higher than 1,000 tep/year
Our key actions

All relevant businesses within OMV Petrom must adhere to the Group’s Environmental Management Standard, which requires responsible energy use, the conservation of primary energy resources, and the implementation of energy management plans in accordance with ISO 50001.

Our efforts to improve energy efficiency are strongly related to technology advancements, process optimization, that aim to reduce energy consumption while maintaining operational output and bringing a contribution to the GHG emission reductions.


The main projects implemented in 2022:

E&P Division: Asset Moldova

  •  Modernization of the Bărbuncești Compressor Station: the 12 XOB Compressors were replaced with three new screw compressors and frequency converters in order to improve energy efficiency. Installing frequency converters will also improve the gas compression and transport processes.
  • Relocation of 3 engines from CHP Comănești to 3 new locations for the capitalization of thermal and electrical energy.

G&P Division

The air conditioning systems were replaced with new generation equipment in several gas metering stations with the aim of reducing electricity consumption.

R&M Division

At Petrobrazi Refinery, one fired gas heater was replaced with a steam preheater, which brings fuel savings of about 2,222 MWh/year.

Results (KPI, other indicators)
  • In 2022, our total energy consumption was 44.19 PJ
  • 70% OMV Petrom sites are covered by our ISO 50001 certified Energy Management System

For 2023, we have in plan to conduct an energy audit in our HQ, to assess the performance of the energy equipment, whether energy management procedures are being followed and are effective and to identify any energy efficiency growth opportunities.

We will also continue implementing energy efficiency initiatives, at division level, to optimize overall energy consumption.