Why is this important?
The health of our employees is an essential component, protected by individual responsibility and supported by OMV Petrom as a responsible employer. Therefore, the health programs and services are designed to improve and maintain employees’ wellbeing, physical and mental health, as people are our Company’s core asset.
Our commitment
A key commitment of the HSSE Policy is to protect people, the environment, assets, and reputation while continuously improving our activities. Our HSSE Vision “ZERO Harm – NO Losses” focuses on improving working conditions and providing medical services and programs for our employees. Considering our employees’ health profile, we have developed and implemented health services, programs, and campaigns to address the most important health impact issues, raise awareness, promote health and prevent health problems.
To monitor employees’ health, the Group owned company PetroMed Solutions SRL (PetroMed) provides services, including legally required occupational health examinations, general medical consultations, medical emergency support, as well as preventive medicine consultations for our employees.
A Private Health Insurance program offered by OMV Petrom to all employees since 2014 has financially supported many colleagues in difficult medical situations. The program continues to offer a complex medical coverage at the most competitive cost in Romania.
The Health Management Department is responsible for developing the Health Strategy and integrating health services and programs. A network of 21 workplace clinics is used to deliver occupational health services by PetroMed, our in-house health service provider. As part of HSSE Risk Management Standard implementation, occupational health hazards are identified, assessed and control measures are implemented according to the standard. A set of guidelines has been developed – based on international guidelines from IOGP/IPIECA – to assess risks such as chemical agents, psychological strain, and physical injuries. The medical team supports the local HSSE Team to develop and maintain complete and updated occupational risks records at each site.
Group Health Standard
To ensure a high level of healthcare for our employees, we have established a Group-wide healthcare standard. In addition to targeted health promotion campaigns, systematic assessments of health risk mitigation and curative care, the standard also describes the main principles, the roles and responsibilities and communication lines.
Health: ON! Platform
Our Health: ON! Platform, active since 2014, integrates all health programs and initiatives offered by the Company. Its attractive and interactive communication encourages employees to become co-creators of health while encouraging voluntary utilization of health programs according to their specific needs. The Platform covers services and benefits related to occupational health, prevention (health promotion and awareness campaigns, such as “Passport for health”, or discounted medical subscriptions with the main private medical networks), curative health (covered through PetroMed clinics and OMV Petrom Private Health Insurance), emergency health (First Aid).
To ensure the common corporate healthcare standard is implemented and followed throughout the Group, the health audit program serves as an evaluation tool. Clinics and medical partners are audited every three years and clinics report a self-conducted audit every year as part of the program. The health management approach is evaluated based on audit results to identify areas for improvement.
The Health Management Department coordinates and delivers First Aid training through the Training Product Management Department. In this process, the Health Management Department’s role is to organize and deliver the training to employees on each location as legally required. According to the Health Standard, the provision and training of First Aiders must comply with local legal requirements of minimum 10% of blue-collar workers or 5% of white-collar workers trained.
The Annual HSSE Plan includes health targeted actions and programs related to health promotion and awareness. We continued to focus on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure a healthy and safe work environment for our employees, contractors and partners and maintain OMV Petrom’s system-critical business activities:
- we promoted and facilitated vaccination against COVID-19, respecting an individual’s right to choose not to be vaccinated against COVID-19, in accordance with local legislation
- we provided employees with reliable information to facilitate an informed decision and minimizes the possible influence of misinformation, and up-to-date information regarding return to office measures and decisions
- we assumed the costs to enable vaccinations, approved by local and/or international health authorities
The focus of 2022 was pandemic management: COVID-19 response and vaccination campaign, as well as health promotion.
We focused on ergonomics for our employees within the Health: ON! Platform. We developed a video-campaign, called #ergotime, which involved a series of short videos in which our PetroMed physiotherapist offered useful information about ergonomic equipment, but also tips and tricks on how to improve posture at the office and avoid health issues.
Passport for health, the 7th edition
Organized on a yearly basis by the HSSE Health Management Department with the support of PetroMed, the campaign aims to set prevention as a proactive approach within the community, to encourage employees to participate in voluntary health programs and adopt a healthy lifestyle and to strengthen identity towards a culture of healthcare in OMV Petrom. The competition was open in hybrid format to both colleagues with or without intranet access with the support of local PetroMed clinics and we registered around 1.200 participants. Healthy lifestyle and prevention, 2 essential topics, were tackled in 2022 through webinars delivered by experts on each topic and articles on the Intranet.
The Health: ON! Platform brought a new support for all employees: “HUMAN for HUMAN”, a campaign dedicated to mental wellbeing was launched to provide ways on how our colleagues can maintain their work-life balance, and how they can manage the stress associated with different situations that could erode their sense of wellbeing. The campaign is planned to be extended in 2023.
- Over the past years, we increased the number of preventive medical consultations, providing our employees with specific screenings and vaccination campaigns
- We’ve provided access to vaccination against COVID-19 and influenza through the PetroMed clinics and this benefit also proved to be successful and well-received among our colleagues. 1,720 persons were vaccinated full year 2022
- In 2022 we continued cardio-vascular, hepatic and diabetes screenings, registering a high attendance from our colleagues (7,036 persons were registered to each one of these established programs)
- We added 4 new preventive programs: prostate cancer screening, breast cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening and chronic hepatitis screening. In total we registered a number of 2,886 participants to the prostatic cancer screening, 855 to the breast cancer prevention program (only in Petrom City), and 721 registered to the colorectal cancer program
- Health Risk assessments will be performed locally
- 2 health promotion campaigns will be developed: Mental wellbeing for increased awareness among OMV Petrom employees and managers regarding work-life balance and Cardiovascular and Healthy Aging to promote prevention as a proactive approach in our community