We have adopted Health, Safety, Security as vital core values of our commitment to protect our people, assets, reputation, and environment. Our vision “ZERO harm – NO losses” guides all our actions to responsible conduct of the business as well as to prevent incidents and maximize efficiency.
Our Core Management and Due Diligence Processes
The General HSSE framework defines targets, action plans, periodical monitoring, reporting and top management involvement, implemented along focus areas and initiatives, transposed in an annual HSSE plan, in compliance with local guidelines, legislation and international best practices. The implementation of the plan is monitored quarterly for analysis by responsible management representatives.
HSSE management system within OMV Petrom
At OMV Petrom, we strive to achieve performance with zero incidents through a robust HSSE management system.
The Company Vision, Mission, Policies and Strategy define the main directions. Specific regulations and process descriptions are setting the rules and applicability of our management system. The OMV Petrom HSSE regulations include:
- OMV Group-wide HSSE regulations (HSSE Policy, HSSE Directive, Group Standards and Group Procedures)
- OMV Petrom Corporate HSSE standards and procedures
- OMV Petrom Business Divisional HSSE Standards and Procedures
- Business Unit/Site-specific HSSE Work Instructions
The HSSE Directive provides a framework for how HSSE aspects are managed within the OMV Petrom Group in order to protect people, environment, assets and reputation in line with our HSSE Policy, with the Major Accident Prevention Policy and in view of our HSSE Vision “ZERO Harm – NO Losses”. The Directive sets out a set of standardized HSSE terms and definitions used within the company and aligned with definitions internationally used across the industry.
The HSSE Management System has been designed to be consistent with existing international models (e.g., ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001). The management process therefore reflects the cyclical ISO system of continuous improvement following the “plan, do, check, act” (PDCA) process.
Moreover, auditing is our pro-active way and one of the main tools for checking compliance with legal and internal requirements and for identifying opportunities for improvement. The HSSE audit approach is defined within the “HSSE Audits” Group Standard and is consistent with ISO 19011:2018 Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems. Entities with high HSSE risk activity have priority and are subject to audits more frequently than those with low HSSE risk. The risk criteria relates to occupational and process safety performance, environmental and carbon management, security threats and opportunities as well as criticality of the operations for business.
All employees and contractors are encouraged to bring to the attention of line management any unsafe conditions and behaviors, in order to identify and resolve potential issues that might otherwise lead to future incidents or accidents.
We use Synergi HSSE reporting tool for planning and monitoring, gathering data on hazards, near-misses, incidents, and findings from HSSE walks or audits. Synergi is also used for the definition of required actions and follow-up for an efficient and effective analysis of collected HSSE data.
We encourage employees and contractors to speak up on any unsafe condition or action they observe, either directly to line managers or through our Synergi tool.
A database with investigations and lessons learned is established in the Group wide HSSE reporting tool Synergi. Based on Root Cause Analysis, corrective actions identified are recorded and followed up for implementation.
Formal audits of actions effectiveness were carried out in 2022 in operational sites (E.g., Petrobrazi Refinery).

A Community of Practice for investigations was set-up, with regular communication on the topic. A Group Senior Management Investigation Panel is held each quarter to analyze major events, investigation outcomes and mitigation plans.
HSSE competencies management within OMV Petrom: The HSSE learning catalogue is accessible through the My Success Factors platform under the Learning module. Additional training sessions are performed according to local legal requirements.
Our Health, Safety, Security approach and actions contribute to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
- SDG 3 – target 3.3 and target 3.9 by taking action to ensure minimization of contagious disease spread (COVID-19), deaths or illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
- SDG 8 – target 8.8 by having systems in place for labor rights and promotion of safe and secure working environments for all workers
- SDG 12 – target 12.4 by employing a more sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources