Non GHG Air Emissions

Why is this important?

Air pollutants other than GHG from the operations may impact air quality and can have adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem. Odor also causes public concern as a nuisance. To prevent any such adverse effects, every operational environmental permit includes emission limits based on local or EU legislation, as well as a monitoring and reporting system. Air pollutants other than GHG include SOX, NOX, CO, particulate matter/dust, non-methane volatile organic compounds (NM-VOC).  

Our commitment

Strategic commitment – HSSE – Health, Safety, Security, and protection of the Environment have the highest priority in all activities. 

We measure

Monitoring of air emissions is conducted for pollutants according to environmental permits. In the Petrobrazi Refinery, we monitor emissions of pollutants such as SOX, NOX, CO, particulate matter/dust, and (NM) VOC in accordance with European and national legislation. Additional monitoring stations have been installed in our aim to find measures to improve air quality. 

We act

In accordance with the OMV Petrom Group Environmental Management Standard, all OMV Petrom Group businesses and activities are required to understand the impacts of their air emissions on local and regional ambient air quality. To minimize, monitor and control air emissions systematically, we aim to apply technologies which are compliant with Best Available Techniques (BAT). In particular, to minimize emissions, Petrobrazi Refinery follows BAT Reference Document for the Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas – Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU and the Brazi Power Plant – BAT Reference Document for Large Combustion Plants – Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU.  

To reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds, we use Low NOX combustion technology flue gas cleaning systems, Coker closed blowdown system at Petrobrazi Refinery and internal floating membrane at benzene tank. 

We recognize the right to clean air as a human right for the employees and neighbors, therefore we comply with all legal requirements for air quality protection around our operation facilities by ensuring proper equipment is in place. In case of any deviation from normal operating conditions occurs, the event is thoroughly analyzed for proper remediation and repairs are planned to prevent reoccurrences, as required by our internal rules for incident investigation. 

We check

The EMS 14001 is regularly audited for surveillance/recertification. 

We train

Air protection is included in the Environmental training offered to employees with environmental tasks assigned. 

Our key actions

Dust and odor control during cleaning and remediation works 

In 2022, OMV Petrom continued to close and restore sites that were formerly fuel terminals or abandoned facilities 

Best practices employed include air quality measures such as water spray curtains, dust protection nets, forced ventilation, off-site bioremediation of the most contaminated soil. Dust-producing activities are minimized in periods of strong wind simultaneously with a more intense wetting of the surfaces as well as covering the soil piles. Control during soil excavation and transport involves optimized transportation routes to minimize nuisance to the community and always secure the loads, clean the wheels at the site exit to avoid contamination of public roads and sprinkle the access roads on-site. We also have periodical communication with the community and the authorities, and our solutions are agreed with all relevant involved parties. 

InR&M, at Petrobrazi Refinery the LDAR Program according to BAT – Reference Documents (BREF) is ongoing. This program’s objective is to reduce fugitive emissions from the plant’s technological equipment (e.g., vents, flanges). Continuing the program started in 2021, targeting accessible fugitive emissions sources from Tank Farm and Aromatic units and covering the screening of inaccessible sources, 92% from the leakages identified were fixed as concluded by the monitoring results in 2022. The program will run periodically, according to a schedule, in all Petrobrazi Refinery installations. 


The tanks modernization program at Petrobrazi Refinery continued in 2022 and included modernization of one volatile product tank and commissioning of one new tank, according to BAT. The cost of implementation was EUR 8.6 mn and contributed to the reduction of the environmental impact due to VOCs. 

The LDAR program continued in E&P for the 18 facilities screened in 2021, for which corrective actions were implemented and completed in 2022.  

Results (KPI, other indicators)

The 2022 results are presented in the Performance in Detail – Environmental Data section in this report. 


Best practice in controlling and managing odor are to be established according to new-emerging methodologies. In 2021, we initiated a pilot project to develop the Odor Management Plan for one representative facility within one Asset of E&P. The pilot project was planned to be finalized in 2022. However, the Romanian national legislation is not yet complete, a methodology for the implementation of the Odor Law, promulgated a year and a half ago, is overdue. Therefore, completion of our Odor Management Plan is pending.