Stakeholders engagement

Engaging with our stakeholders

Our operations and products have a direct and indirect impact on a series of stakeholders.

We are committed to engaging with our entire range of stakeholders through mutual respect, transparency and open dialogue.

We continually focus our efforts on an active dialogue with all our stakeholders to establish win-win relationships. As such, our activities include:

  • social assessments for each project envisioned
  • professional support jointly with professional associations in the energy and oil field to state institutions, ministries, and energy agencies on climate change and environmental issues, harmonize legislation with EU requirements and promote sustainable principles in line with the SDGs.
  • dialogue and support to local communities where we operate.
  • frequent engagement with investors on ESG issues via one-to-one conversations, participations at external events and group meetings.
  • active participation at forums, conferences with key stakeholders, expert committees, and discussions, working groups, and organizing common projects discussions (partnerships).
  • constant engagement with our employees. In 2021, over 35 virtual meetings between Executive Board Members team and employees were organized.

Stakeholder identification and prioritization

  • Considering the importance of responding adequately to our stakeholders’ needs, at the end of 2020, we revised the process to identify and prioritize our stakeholders and continued our engagement during 2021. Thus, we have involved in this process representatives from all our business units to classify our stakeholders into categories and sub-categories and prioritize them.
  • We aim to continue building on our Stakeholder identification and prioritization process.

Dialogue with shareholders

OMV Petrom management is aware of its fundamental duty to represent and promote shareholder interests and recognizes its accountability for the Company’s performance and activities.

  • During 2021, the Company’s top management and the Investor Relations (IR) team maintained their active presence on the local and foreign capital markets, by attending conferences and organizing calls for analysts and investors.
  • In 2021, we attended a series of conferences and we virtually met investment funds, to regularly update investors and analysts on the quarterly operational, financial performance and strategy execution and plans.
  • During 2021, the number of interactions with a focus on ESG topics increased.

Dialogue with Trade Unions

We permanently value our Employer-Trade Union relationship, essential in maintaining the Company’s social equilibrium.

  • In 2021, we continued our effort to work constructively with employee representatives to achieve mutually satisfactory solutions and communicate to our employees all aspects of collective bargaining agreements by our internal network and direct mailing.
  • In 2021, we continued our dialogue with Trade Unions to find common approaches to the new challenges that the business environment and employees are facing, to inform and consult with them in the decision process.
Stakeholder groupExamples of engagement              
Suppliers & Contractors
  • Negotiations and contracts
  • Supplier audits and assessments
  • Supplier meetings
  • Reporting related to common projects
  • Update events with Executive Board members
  • Online company platform (Intranet)
  • Internal newsletter
  • Internal blog
  • Survey
  • Constant dialogue through Trade Unions
Local community
  • Sustainability projects
  • Sponsorships and donations
  • Grievance mechanisms
  • Meetings for business projects
  • Public Debates
  • Participation in Town Hall events
Government / Central Authorities
  • Participation to meetings
  • Relationship management
  • Regular reporting (as required by legislation)
Associations / Networks
  • Regular reports and presentations
  • Roadshows
  • General Meetings of Shareholders
  • Conferences
  • Meetings/ Debates
  • Workshops/Conferences
Capital market participants
  • Regular reports and presentations
  • Roadshows
  • General Meetings of Shareholders
  • Conferences

Stakeholder group

Examples of engagement              


  • Press releases
  • Conferences/Events
  • Interviews
  • Workshops     

Education, science and research organizations     

  • Joint projects with industry partners, scientific organizations, schools and universities
  • Conferences and lectures
  • Sustainability projects
  • Employer branding activities      


  • Advertising/ communication campaigns
  • Events
  • Engagement activities within the filling stations
  • Newsletters    

NGOs / NPOs     

  • Social projects for communities, vulnerable people
  • Sponsorships and donations
  • Stakeholder dialogue and grievance mechanisms       

Competitors & Peers         

  • Industry meetings
  • Contracts
  • Participation in working groups  

Joint Venture & other Business Partners              

  • Industry meetings
  • Contracts
  • Participation in working groups