Social Data

Workforce data for OMV Petrom GroupUnit202120202019201820172016
Total number of employeesnumber7,97310,76112,34713,20113,79014,769
  • thereof women
With ILC, undetermined period, full timenumber7,87810,62712,12513,04413,56513,689
  • thereof women
With ILC, undetermined period, part timenumber96101573
  • thereof women
With ILC, determined period, full timenumber86126210140225161
  • thereof women
With ILC, determined period, part timenumber022200
  • thereof women
Total number of employees by countryUnit20212020
Total number of employeesnumber7,82110,262
  • thereof women
Total number of employeesnumber5555
  • thereof women
Total number of employeesnumber0344
  • thereof women
Total number of employeesnumber5256
  • thereof women
Total number of employeesnumber4544
  • thereof women

* The number of employees is calculated for OMV Petrom Group (excl, OPGS) – Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kazakhstan (*until May 2021 when we completed the sale of our 100% shareholding in Kom-Munai LLP and Tasbulat Oil Corporation in Kazakhstan).

Workforce indicators: Headcount
As per: 31.12.2021

Age GroupUnit202120202019201820172016202120202019201820172016
Total OMV Petrom Group  no of employees women
Romania 139107          
<30number5949    1513    
 rate42.4548.8    38.4612.14    
30-50number7451    2322    
 rate53.2447.66    58.9720.56    
>50number67    11    
 rate4.326.54    2.560.93    
Bulgaria 53          
<30number01    00    
 rate033.33    00    
30-50number52    40    
 rate10066.67    1000    
>50number00    00    
 rate00    00    
Kazakhstan 712          
<30number43    00    
 rate57.1425    00    
30-50number37    13    
 rate42.8658.33    10025    
>50number02    01    
 rate016.67    08.33    
Moldova 63          
<30number42    21    
 rate66.6766.67    10033.33    
30-50number21    00    
 rate33.3333.33    00    
>50number00    00    
 rate00    00    
Serbia 75          
<30number00    00    
 rate00    00    
30-50number75    32    
 rate100100    10040    
>50number00    00    
 rate00    00    
Age Groupunit202120202019201820172016202120202019201820172016
Total Group no of employeeswomen
Romania 2,5801,681          
<30number1819    55    
 rate0.71.13    1.270.3    
30-50number834431    9954    
 rate32.3325.64    25.193.21    
>50number1,7281,231    289210    
 rate6773.23    73.5412.49    
Bulgaria 55          
<30number20    10    
 rate400    330    
30-50number25    13    
 rate40100    3360    
>50number10    10    
 rate200    330    
Kazakhstan 35123          
<30number304    112    
 rate8.5517.39    14.678.69    
30-50number25417    516    
 rate72.3673.92    6826.08    
>50number672    131    
 rate19.098.69    17.334.35    
Moldova 105          
<30number52    21    
 rate5040    10020    
30-50number51    00    
 rate5020    00    
>50number02    00    
 rate040    00    
Serbia 62          
<30number10    10    
 rate16.670    33.330    
30-50number51    21    
 rate83.3350    66.6750    
>50number01    01    
 rate050    050    

Note: Rate is calculated taking in consideration the number of employees from each country. Same for women’s rate.

Supervisory BoardUnit202120202019201820172016
< 30%000000
> 50%66.677.877.888.988.966.7
Executive BoardUnit202120202019201820172016
> 50%604020206080
Top ManagementUnit202120202019201820172016
Middle managementUnit202120202019201820172016
between 30-50%60.8755.87 n.rn.rn.r
Lower ManagementUnit202120202019201820172016
Operative StaffUnit202120202019201820172016

Data provided for OMV Petrom Group.
The percentage is calculated by reference to the total number of women / men and not to the total number of employees.

Ratio of remuneration of women to men by employment category at Group levelUnit202120202019201820172016
Employees with ILC. undetermined period. full timeRatio1.
Employees with ILC. determined period. full timeRatio0.410.390.390.40.30.55
< 30Ratio1.371.
> 50Ratio1.
Parental LeaveUnit202120202019201820172016
Total number of employees that were entitled to parental leave as per 31.12.2021number2,1595,8142,5868,1752,8329,5142,99710,2043,10810,6823,32811,441
Total number of employees that took parental leave during 2021number541347112412621066167714
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave endednumber53176214571869164813204
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave ended, who were still employed twelve months after their return to worknumber4612511243106015429184
return to work rate*%436843564572426232421721
retention rate*%7486896762631251152102254740
Total number of employees due to return to work after taking parental leavenumber124251432512625163261503112119

*Due to internal revisions of our reporting procedures, new formulas to calculate Return to work rate and Retention rate are used starting with 2021.
The data provided are only for OMV Petrom Romania.
Return to work rate is calculated as Total number of employees that did return to work after parental leave divided by Total number of employees due to return to work after taking parental leave x 100.
Retention rate is Total number of employees retained 12 months after returning to work following a period of parental leave diveded by Total number of employees returning from parental leave x 100 in the prior reporting period(s).

Return to work rate= Total number of employees that did return to work after parental leave/Total number of employees due to return to work after taking parental leave) * 100

Retention rate= Total number of employees retained 12 months after returning to work following a period of parental leave/Total number of employees returning from parental leave (in the prior reporting period(s)) * 100

Performance and career development review by gender and employee categoryUnit202120202019201820172016
% of members of the organization who received performance review%55.2646.9448.2143.4741.6136.34
% of women who received performance review%82.6675.7277.3871.466.0663.23
% of employees with ILC, undetermined period, full time, who received performance review%54.9846.2947.3443.1440.8635.63
% of women, with ILC, undetermined period, full time, who received performance review%82.4975.376.8171.1965.7262.84
% of employees with ILC, determined period, full time, who received performance review%77.9199.2181.974.2986.6797.52
% of women, with ILC, determined period, full time, who received performance review%9210090.6792.118092.68

Data provided for OMV Petrom Group.

Average hours of training per year per employee, gender and employee category
Total training hours for all employeeshours110,887135,285
  • thereof male
  • thereof female
Average hours of training per employeeshours1412.6
  • thereof male
  • thereof female
Social investments in local
cashmn EUR10.756.313.52.52.844.53.845
in kindEUR114,306167,052266,9594,289,491365,893358,688    
volunteering hourshours3,2408006,650n/an/an/a    
Occupational safety – employeesunit202120202019201820172016
Fatalities rateper 100mn hours worked0003.9903.53
Number of hours workedhours (thousand)16,97021,99823,88625,08426,16428,291
Lost-Time Injury rate (LTIR)per 1 mn hours worked0.180.140.630.20.150.25
High-consequence work-related injuries¹number002101
High-consequence work-related injuries¹per 1 mn hours worked000.080.0400.04
Lost workday injuriesnumber3315446
Lost work days (Calendar days)number2151961,052256242490
Total recordable injuries²number7831201617
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)³per 1 mn hours worked0.410.361.30.80.610.6
Occupational safety – contractorsunit202120202019201820172016
Fatalities rateper 100mn hours worked4.56004,0900
Number of hours workedhours (thousand)43,85742,76446,35248,92843,14351,408
Lost-Time Injury Rate (LTIR)per 1mn hours worked0.320.
High-consequence work-related injuries¹number011101
High-consequence work-related injuries¹per 1 mn hours worked00.020.020.0200.02
Lost workday injuriesnumber127712810
Lost work days (Calendar days)number552496291967410400
Total recordable injuries²number251117231717
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)³per 1mn hours worked0.570.260.370.470.390.33
Occupational safety – employees and contractors
Lost-Time Injury Rate (LTIR)per 1 mn hours worked0.280.150.310.260.170.21
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)³per 1 mn hours worked0.530.290.680.580.480.43

DISCLAIMER: all the figures throughout this file refer to OMV Petrom Group; worked hours are expressed in thousands and rounded to closest integer value, so minor differences may result upon reconciliation. According to International Oil& Gas standards (IOGP, CONCAVE) and OMV Group definitions, commuting injuries are not included in the rates presented into safety performance table. According to GRI definition, rate should include injuries as a result of commuting incidents only where the transport has been organized by the organization; Petrom Group did not record in 2020 and 2021 any commuting incidents organized by the organization.

¹ Lost-time injuries that resulted in 180 (or more) lost workdays or permanent total disabilities
² Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-ii: Recordable work-related injuries)- Work-related injury that results in an injury from which the worker cannot, does not, or is not expected to recover fully to pre-injury health status within 6 months.
³ Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-iii: Recordable work-related injuries)-Work-related injury that results in any of the following: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid.