Environmental data

Energy consumption¹PJ45.0643.943.145.143.345.75
Fuel consumption within the organizationPJ60.3557.15n.r.n.r.n.r.n.r.
Electricity consumption²PJ1.361.18n.r.n.r.n.r.n.r.
Heating, cooling and steam consumption²TJ103.2100.3n.r.n.r.n.r.n.r.
Electricity sold³PJ16.614.2n.r.n.r.n.r.n.r.
¹ Refers to the total energy used for operations based on site calculations with specific data and methodology.
² Includes only electricity/ heating/ cooling/ steam purchased and consumed. Electricity/ heating/ cooling/ steam/ consumed from own generation is included in fuel consumption.
³ Electricity sold internaly is excluded
n.r. = not reported
GHG EmissionsUnit202120202019201820172016
GHG (direct, scope 1)¹mn t CO2 eq4.044.184.424.553.994.4
  • of which from Upstream activities
mn t CO2 eq1.221.582.
  • of which from Downstream
mn t CO2 eq2.822.62.342.391.982.07
CO2mn t3.643.543.403.613.183.29
GHG (indirect, scope 2)²mn t CO2 eq0.0940.0940.0450.080.0570.058
GHG (indirect, scope 3)³mn t CO2 eq23.3324.7426.0623.24n.rn.r
Other air emissionsUnit202120202019201820172016
Non-methane-volatile organic compounds (NM-VOC)t3,1143,5865,0805,3645,3586,958
Particulate emissionst646264596263
¹ Scope 1 refers to direct emissions from operations that are owned or controlled by the organization (OMV Petrom Group). We use emission factors from different sources, e.g., IPCC, API GHG Compendium, etc. Since 2016 OMV Petrom is applying global warming potentials of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4 – 100 year)
² Scope 2 refers to indirect emissions resulted from generation of purchased or acquired electricity, heating, cooling, or steam. We use emission factors from different sources, e.g., national authorities, supplier-specific emission factors, etc. The data in the table refers to the market-based approach.
³ Scope 3 refers to other indirect emissions that occur outside the organization, including both Upstream and Downstream emissions. We use emission factors from different sources, e.g., IPCC, PlasticsEurope, etc. The data includes Scope 3 emissions from the use and processing of sold products. Pure “trading margin” sales as well as intracompany sales are excluded.
Flaring and VentingUnit20212020*2019*2018*20172016
Hydrocarbons flaredt21,37916,93327,62739,22638,66722,189
Hydrocarbons ventedt16,19526,36842,50639,40531,34848,233

The volumes of flared and vented gas in Upstream are calculated following legal and internal regulations and are based on gas balance. Regular checks are performed and calculated volumes calibrated, if needed. Data may change based on such regular checks outcome and consolidated annually. *Further to the above internal process, in one location having two alternative stacks (one for flaring, one for venting), a quantity of gas was reclassified from flaring to venting.

GHG intensity of OMV Petrom operationsUnit202120202019201820172016
GHG Intensity Upstreamt CO2 eq/ toe0.1860.2140.2700.2660.2370.263
GHG Intensity Petrobrazi Refinery¹t CO2 eq/ t throughput0.2340.2460.2470.2540.240.251
GHG Intensity CCPP¹t CO2 eq/ MWh0.3550.3590.3610.3560.3590.366
Carbon Intensity Index of Petrom²%-5.6-4.2+0.5+6.7-6.3-5.9
¹ CO2 verified emissions
² CO2 equivalent emissions associated with a certain business output using the following measurement units: Upstream: t CO2e/toe, Petrobrazi Refinery: t CO2e/t throughput, CCPP: t CO2e/MWh, consolidated into a Carbon Intensity Index of OMV Petrom operations, based on weighted average of the business segments’ carbon intensity.
Water WithdrawalUnit202120202019201820172016
Total water withdrawn ¹,²megalites56,34759,36217,93018,29016,75017,590
  • thereof groundwater
    • thereof freshwater (≤1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
    • thereof other water (>1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
  • thereof surface water
    • thereof freshwater (≤1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
    • thereof other water (>1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
  • thereof from public supply systems
    • thereof freshwater (≤1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
    • thereof other water (>1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
  • thereof seawater
  • thereof produced water
Water withdrawn by source from all areas with water stress³Unit202120202019201820172016
Total water withdrawn by source from all areas with water stress³megaliters191510n.rn.rn.rn.r
  • thereof groundwater
    • thereof freshwater (≤1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
    • thereof other water (>1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
  • thereof surface water
    • thereof freshwater (≤1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
    • thereof other water (>1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
  • thereof from public supply systems
    • thereof freshwater (≤1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
    • thereof other water (>1,000 mg/l total dissolved solids)
  • thereof seawater
  • thereof produced water
Water consumed ¹,⁴megaliters46,33249,632n.rn.rn.rn.r
Total water consumed from all areas with water stress ³megaliters187322n.rn.rn.rn.r
Water recycled and reusedmegaliters313,206311,797n.rn.rn.rn.r
Wastewater dischargedUnit202120202019201820172016
Total water discharged to all areas by destinationmegaliters10,0159,730n.rn.rn.rn.r
  • thereof Surface water
  • thereof Groundwater
  • thereof Seawater
  • thereof Third-party water
Total water discharge to all areas with water stress³megaliters411n.rn.rn.rn.r
Water discharged -qualityUnit202120202019201820172016
Hydrocarbons (oil) dischargedt312681413
1 Excluding water withdrawn for once-through use that is not applicable in OMV Petrom
² Produced water included according to GRI 303/2018 effective for reports after 1 January 2021
³Applies to Kazakhstan
⁴ The change in the reported figure for OMV Petrom’s water consumption 2020 (from 27649 megalitres to 49632 megalitres) is due to the fact the formula was affected by a reporting system error in Sinergy, updated post- reporting period
Freshwater Withdrawal Intensity of Petrom operationsUnit202120202019201820172016
Freshwater Withdrawal Intensity Upstreamcbm/toe0.670.570.610.660.710.71
Freshwater Withdrawal Intensity Downstream Oil¹cbm/t throughput1.712.
Freshwater Withdrawal Intensity Power Plantscbm/MWh0.920.981.020.971.041.12
Freshwater Withdrawal Intensity Index of Petrom²%-6.54-0.2-4.711.5-3.3-6.2
¹ Not including Power Plants
² Weighted average of Freshwater Withdrawal Intensity variations from business divisions
Total waste¹t605,172537,855527,928430,431367,205812,360
  • thereof non-hazardous waste
    • thereof non-hazardous waste to landfill
    • thereof non-hazardous waste for recovery²
    • thereof non-hazardous waste for incineration
    • thereof non-hazardous waste for other disposal options
  • thereof hazardous waste
    • there of hazardous waste to landfill
    • thereof hazardous waste for recovery²
    • thereof hazardous waste for incineration
    • thereof hazardous waste for other disposal options
Waste directed to disposalt105,235125,150244,805233,353192,292308,606
Waste diverted from disposal (recovered)t499,937412,705283,123197,078174,913503,754
Waste recovery² rate%837753464862
¹ Total waste amount including those from one-time projects
² Recovery means operations that divert waste from being sent to disposal, such as preparation for reuse, recycling or other recovery operations.
Total Spillsnumber2,1422,2672,0122,1642,3752,105
  • of which major (i.e. severity level 3 to 5)
  • of which minor (i.e. severity level below 3)
Spills Volumelitre48,76131,90854,19535,44251,49097,590
Environmental protection expenditure¹Unit202120202019201820172016
Environmental protection expenditure, excluding depreciationmn EUR103.9370.48124.2996.87103.69n.r
Environmental investments for assets put into operationmn EUR28.5936.2645.8259.4329.39n.r
¹ When reporting Environmental protection expenditure, OMV Petrom uses the EMA (Environmental management accounting) methodology developed by International Federation Accountants (IFAC)
Number of grievances – environmental impactsUnit202120202019201820172016
Total number of grievencesnumber7867379069491,0461,469
Compensation for land contamination – Natural Personsnumber377298380463573679
Compensation for land contamination – Legal Personsnumber91823292833