Economic Performance Data

Profit/(loss) before taxmn.lei3,3981,4794,2774,9142,9041,052
Sales¹mn. lei26,01119,71725,48522,52319,43512,594
Total capitalization ²mn.lei28,26520,59025,32016,93716,20014,784
Quantity of products providedUnit202120202019201820172016
Downsteam Oil total refined product saleskt5,3394,9935,4624,9875,0734,932
thereof: Gasolinekt1,2831,2911,3101,2081,2491,297
Kerosene/Jet fuelkt164126289275279251
Fuel oils & Bitumenkt315329342267276282
thereof: Retail sales volumes ³kt2,9442,6192,8472,7432,7032,561
Upstream sales volumesmn boe44.9650.352.154.357.859.9
Gas sales VolumesTWh48.95754.847.351.450.4
Net electrical outputTWh4.
Direct Economic Value Generated⁴ (DEVG)mn. lei26,35520,44126,04022,89819,82517,224
Economic Value Distributed⁵ (EVD)mn. lei25,21520,94123,97919,81318,17016,188
Economic Value Retainedmn. lei1,139-5002,0613,0851,6551,036
Financial Assistance Received from GovernmentUnit202120202019201820172016
Tax relief (e.g. reinvested profit)mn.lei5635991413
Tax credits (e.g. sponsorships)mn. lei664781382524
Other financial benefitsmn.lei171310889
Investment grants ⁶mn. lei10010381203
Total proved reserves as of December 31mn boe419473504532566606
Total hydrocarbon productionmn boe47.2152.9855.3558.361.1863.74
of which crude oil and NGL productionmn boe23.0525.5126.1226.7827.3329.15
of which natural gas productionbn cm3.74.214.474.835.185.29

Note: Starting January 2017, OMV Petrom’s Consolidated Income Statement has been restructured in line with industry best practice in order to better reflect the operations of the Group and enhance transparency for the users of the financial statements. For more information, please see OMV Petrom’s Investor News published on April 6, 2017, which can be found on the company’s website, section Investors › Investor News.

¹ Sales excluding petroleum products excise tax
² Calculated based on the closing share price and RON/EUR exchange rate as of the last trading day of the respective year
³ Retail sales volumes refer to sales via Group’s filling stations in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Moldova
⁴ DEVG = net sales, other operating income and financial revenues (interest income and income from at-equity accounted investments)
⁵ EVD = value distributed to stakeholders (suppliers, governments, capital providers, employees, shareholders, society).
⁶ Mainly financing contract for the investment in the Combined Cycle Power Plant located at Brazi (based on the date of the agreement)