Energy Efficiency

Why is this important?

As an integrated oil and gas company, OMV Petrom operates large facilities and is also a major energy consumer. The amount of energy we use creates a significant impact on the environment. Effective management of energy consumption reduces the environmental cost of our operations, increases financial savings thanks to energy efficiency, prevents non-compliance with regulatory requirements on energy use, and mitigates the climate effects of GHG emissions.

Energy efficiency measures therefore have a considerable effect on issues relating to energy consumption of interest to stakeholders. It is our Management’s commitment to facilitate the creation of an energy efficiency culture within the organization.

Our commitment

Our Energy Policy Statement reflects the organization’s commitment to continuously improve the energy performance, and it is applicable to the Business Divisions included in the Energy Management System (EnMS). Internal governance on energy efficiency is performed by two bodies: Energy Efficiency Council and Energy Efficiency Committee.

OMV Petrom is firmly committed to improve its energy performance across all its business segments.

Binding targets are set for 2030 including actions to:

  • cut greenhouse gas emissions,
  • increase share of renewable energy production,
  • improve energy efficiency performance.
We measure

Our energy performance indicators and estimated consumptions for 2021 versus our objectives.

We monitor the legal requirements in the field of energy, in coordination with the internal audit program of the EnMS

We act

OMV Petrom S.A. and OMV Petrom Marketing S.R.L. have certified since 2014 the Energy Management System according to ISO 50001. Last recertification was done in 2020.

Through annual campaigns, we aim to improve environmental performance, including energy consumption by setting targets and monitoring processes. For example, we have set targets for the Refinery to reach energy index ratings and assess areas for improvement in energy efficiency. OMV Petrom is continuously improving its energy performance. Each division within OMV Petrom has its own energy performance indicators that are monitored, recorded, and reviewed regularly in accordance with the standard; we organize twice a year the Energy Efficiency Council and Energy Committee meetings.

We check

Auditing for certification is performed to maintain our certification under ISO 50001.

We train

Training is performed according to the energy management system certified as per ISO 50001; training requirements include Internal Auditor course and refresher sessions, one of which was held in 2021.

Energy manager for industry training & certification is a legal requirement for the companies, which have the energy consumption more than 1,000 tep/year. In accordance with this requirement, we have certified energy managers from all our divisions.

Our key actions on energy efficiency

The Group’ Environmental Management Standard requires that all businesses use energy responsibly, conserve primary energy resources, and implement energy management plans in accordance with ISO 50001. Our Energy Management System which is certified according to ISO 50001 covers 70% OMV Petrom sites.


Energy efficiency requires major interventions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing energy consumption. In this regard, OMV Petrom has maintained  its strategic partnership with the Energy Policy Group (EPG) on the energy efficiency program “România Eficientă”, a unique initiative in Romania further detailed in the community  development investment section of this report.


Effective management of energy consumption reduces our environmental impact and environmental cost of our operations, increases financial savings related to increased energy efficiency, prevents non-compliance with regulatory requirements on energy use, and mitigates the climate effects of GHG emissions.


Our energy efficiency measures are closely linked with technical improvements and process optimization directed at reducing energy use while achieving the same operational output and linked with GHG emissions reduction.


The Petrobrazi Refinery has embarked on a long journey towards a high-energy efficiency performance confirmed by participating to a well-known anonymous benchmarking provider for fuels studies, known as Solomon Associates. Based on the benchmarking studies, energy efficiency programs are defined for the ongoing year as well as long-term targets to be among the top performers. To this end, we explored approaches and solutions enabled by the latest digital technology to significantly enhance the energy intensity index performance in a more complex global economy. The solution would require a multiphase approach for OMV Petrom to progressively define measure, analyze, improve and control its energy performance using methods supported by technologies to transform its energy performance management.


In 2021 we finalized the pilot project Energy Management Solution (EMS) for the Crude Distillation Unit at Petrobrazi, which is an analytics software solution that provides industrial companies with real-time data. The project aims at monitoring the energy consumption and energy losses from an operational and design perspective. This project was applied for the pump for crude oil feed, crude oil preheats train and for the heat exchangers as well as the atmospheric distillation furnace. The results are to be analyzed in 2022.


The Petrobrazi Refinery also continued its digitalization journey to improve energy efficiency by applying operational measures and design new projects.


Upstream initiatives in 2021 included Automation of the Oil Piston Pumps at Suplac Park, Asset Crișana – the energy saving results from replacing the continuous operating regime, with an operating one only when necessary, according to level radars in the oil separator. Another initiative was the Optimization of gas delivery at Bărbuncești Station, Asset Moldova, and consists in adjustment of the compressor’s regime to the needs of the consumers.


Corporate initiatives included the replacing of the classic lighting with LED technology in Petrom City – an ongoing project, expected to be finalized in 2022, the main objective being energy saving.

Results (KPI, other indicators)

In 2021, our total energy consumption was 45.06 PJ.

ISO 50001 Energy Management System covering 70% OMV Petrom sites.


Planning is performed in the framework of our energy management system. Our planned E&P projects include:

  • Asset Moldova – Bărbuncești Compressor Station Modernization: the 12 XOB Compressors will be replaced with 3 new screw compressors and frequency converters
  • Asset Moldova – Relocation of CHP Comănești: the project consists in the relocation of the 3 engines from CHP Comănești in 3 new locations for the capitalization of thermal and electric energy

At corporate level, the replacement of classic lighting with LED technology will continue in 2022.