Why is this important?
Areas of interest for oil and gas may be recognized and valued for their biodiversity resources. Current operations and new developments within OMV Petrom must account for the potential impact on biodiversity.
Our commitment
Health, safety, security, and protection of the environment have the highest priority in all our activities. At OMV Petrom, protection of the environment includes protection of biodiversity.
OMV Petrom Group Environmental Management Standard (EMS), including requirements on biodiversity: This internal regulations states that all OMV Petrom activities must be conducted in such a way as to cause minimal disturbance to protected areas and local flora and fauna. Permitting and assessment procedures are applicable in all operation countries, at OMV Petrom Group level.
Our HSSE Policy is part of our EMS, communicated and verified in the certification process.
Impacts and mitigation measures are established in the framework of the permits obtained for each one of our sites. Additional measures implemented are part of the EMS 14001.
In the event of significant observed or predicted impacts, we apply the mitigation hierarchy, and action planning gives priority to avoidance and minimization over restoration and offsetting of the impact.
The EMS 14001 is regularly audited for recertification.
Trainings on biodiversity are received on the larger context of environmental training, part of the EMS 14001. Biodiversity topic is on the Agenda of the Environmental Workshops in OMV Petrom held on a systematic basis.
We conducted a desktop assessment by reviewing the official GIS database for Natural Protected Areas (NPAs). We identified 11 major operating units (Upstream Assets and Downstream Retail units in Romania) that are part of the property area inside or adjacent, within the 1 km buffer, to natural protected areas (NPAs). The total surface area inside the NPAs accounts for approximately 2% of the total operational surface in Romania. We operate inside various types of NPAs such IUCN Category II-V, RAMSAR, Natura 2000, Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Sites. Most of these NPAs are Natura 2000 sites.
11 major operating units identified (Upstream Assets and Downstream Retail units in Romania) part of the property area inside or adjacent to NPAs.
Our 2021 progress relates to increased biodiversity screening of exposure to protected natural areas.