Employee development

Why is this important?

Creating an organizational learning culture is the right environment for our people to develop, grow and innovate and to build at the same time an engaging workplace. Our activities require highly qualified employees able to cope with the fast-changing market demands and all stringent challenges that our business is facing.

Our commitment

Building and retaining a talented and competent team.

We measure

We monitor the number of training hours per employee, per different categories of employees and by gender as well as the number of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews.

We act

We continuously adjust our training curricula according to the needs assessment, by combining internal programs with external programs. Traditional classroom trainings went through a major transformation due to the COVID 19 pandemic, and we can say that we are now focusing more and more on e-learning and digital content platforms where we encourage our employees to select the subjects better suited to their needs.

We check

An evaluation process is in place for all trainings performed. Criteria like content quality, instructor performance and ability to adapt to the audience, achievement of the desired outcomes are carefully assessed, and after an internal analysis, improvements are considered and implemented.

We train

Our Training team is always in close contact with each department to better understand the needs of our business. We consider that only by understanding the specific need, we can select the best training providers able to create tailored trainings.

We plan

We design and implement new innovative learning programs to help the transformation process of our organization and position it for growth.

Our key actions on Employee development

In 2021, we launched new innovative learning programs besides the initiatives already running.


Leadership Development Change starts from top and we need inspiring role-models to embed the new ways of working sustainably and to trigger long lasting behavior change.

  • GROW is our Leadership Program focused on 3 main behaviors: Simplify the Company & Save Time, Develop & Empower People and Collaborate. Strong leaders are the key for the success of a company and by investing in them we ensure that all our people will be engaged and motivated to continue helping us to deliver results and stay competitive. GROW is a based on a 9-month micro-learning concept (minimum) and on the daily needs of OMV Petrom Leaders. GROW program is a practice of new ways of working, a personal help for Leaders to better manage their own life and their teams.
  • Communication Kit for Managers – Hybrid work added a new layer of challenge for managers and their teams in terms of communication. In some cases, remote work brings uncertainty and lack of connection with the rest of the team and with the organization overall. We aim to foster an open communication culture inside OMV Petrom, to value and empower managers as primary message carriers to all employees, to provide essential social communication know-how to effectively engage with their employees and social stakeholders. We prepared a quarterly Communication Kit to disseminate to all management levels an overview of the main messages in our organization, based on each quarterly internal webcast with the Executive Board. Relevant business and people related topics can be further discusses with each team. The kit includes a guide with tips and tricks on how to better communicate in the meetings with their team.
  • First Time Leaders 2.0 was designed to build leadership skills to all people taking over a leadership role for the first time, adapted to their management level. It included useful information on OMV Petrom’s leadership models, their role as a leader, highly effective teams, virtual leadership, and change management.
  • Leadership Essentials is meant to help managers acquire knowledge on the people management. The program was available for current OMV Petrom leaders, for employees taking over a leadership role for the first time and for the employees who are joining OMV Petrom on a leadership position.
  • Leading Remote / Hybrid teams is our training aimed to enable and upskill current leaders to lead highly effective remote teams and tackled subjects like challenges of leading remote teams or digital tools coaching session. The program was delivered virtually and facilitated internally. It was offered to both leaders and experts, individuals with a need to manage continuous change, growth and maximize their potential.
  • Digital skills for leaders – The scope of this program was to offer information on how to effectively lead organizations to success where transformation drivers are less predictable, alongside with fast evolving technology and change. Main topics covered included: leading collaborative networks, enabling accountability, digital fitness (e-learnings).


Other learning programs

  • Virtual Facilitation Skills – highly interactive, practical modules, aimed at building the skills to run successful virtual workshops (e.g., preparing and planning the workshop, using digital tools, moderating exercises online, presenting content online)
  • Team effectiveness workshops – designed to increase effectiveness and performance within the team through blended learning activities tailored for the team needs. Typical content: team effectiveness analysis, diagnostic tool, debrief and follow up.
  • Get to Know and Grow – was a development initiative purposely focusing on Core Top Talents employees led by OMV Petrom Executive Board Members and consisted in development talks between Executive Board Members and Core Top Talents in a cross-divisional set up. The program started in 2020 and was successfully implemented also in 2021.
Results (KPI, other indicators)

Our employees received 110,886 hours of training, of which 25,175 were online sessions in our digital platform.


Our leadership program – GROW – involved ~50 Executives and Top leaders in a huge changing behavior program with positive impact on the whole company.


First Time Leaders 2.0 covered the whole backlog of new leaders promoted end of 2019 and 2020 who could not be enrolled due to pandemic situation.


In 2021, we launched new innovative learning programs. We continued to adapt our learning programs to the virtual set-up, offering new tools to our leaders.


In 2021, we launched new innovative learning programs. We continued to adapt our learning programs to the virtual set-up, offering new tools to our leaders.