Within OMV Petrom, we continuously work with local communities to assist in avoiding or mitigating hazards and direct or indirect consequences of our operations. We concentrate on the local level and take into account particular issues we encounter everywhere we operate, and take action to ensure our long-term, sustainable development.
A series of internal procedures and standards are in place to ensure our stakeholder engagement and actions.
- The OMV Petrom Group Environmental Management Standard defines the process of carrying out Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs). Preventive and mitigation measures as well as the monitoring program to ensure implementation of the proposed measures are documented in an Environmental and Social Management Plan for each new development project. The final ESIA report is submitted to the local regulator or lender (whichever is applicable) for review, public disclosure and approval.
- We require everyone who acts on our behalf to comply with our values and rules of behavior, which are clearly set out in the OMV Petrom Code of Conduct, which acknowledges OMV Petrom’s social and environmental responsibility within our sphere of influence. OMV Petrom adopted the provisions of Code of Conduct from OMV Group.
- Our CRCD Handbook lays out the procedure for the required management process to be followed for Community Relations (CR) and Community Development (CD) activities in order to enable OMV Petrom Group organizations to maintain our social license to operate. CR is about establishing and maintaining a transparent and trustful relationship with community stakeholders in order to foster business success. CD helps to build community capacity to address issues and take advantage of opportunities, find common ground and balance competing interests. We use community development to manage positive change. In community development the process is as important as the results. One of the primary challenges of community development is to balance the need for long-term solutions with the day-to-day realities that require immediate decision-making and short-term action. This special handbook on Community Relations and Development is available for all Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) experts in the Group.
- Our Sponsoring Strategy aims to establish criteria for implementing the sponsorship process in OMV Petrom to ensure transparency regarding the efficient use of financial resources in cash and in kind granted as sponsorship. It establishes the strategic framework for sponsorship and the set of rules governing sponsorship activities. All OMV Petrom sponsorship projects shall contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals. The sponsored initiatives shall be in line with our Code of Business Ethics.
- The Sustainability Directive is our internal OMV Petrom Group documentation of processes and accountabilities, which cover Social Responsibility, including Community Relations and Development & Social Investments, Human Rights, Volunteering and NGO Relations. Sustainability for us means creating long-term value for our customers and shareholders by being innovative and an employer of choice. We conduct our business in a responsible way, respecting the environment and adding value to the societies in which we operate.
As such, we bring out our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goal related to wellbeing of our communities
- SDG 1 – target 1.4 through the series of internal procedures and standards for our stakeholder engagement and actions implemented
- SDG 3 – target 3.3 through our health initiatives within our communities
- SDG 4 – target 4.7 through initiatives addressing education, environment and vulnerable people
- SDG 8 – targets 8.5 and 8.6 through stable workplace initiatives in the community, youth programs
- SDG 13 – target 13.1 through our private project of national interest dedicated to energy efficiency in buildings