Social Data

Workforce DataUnit20202019201820172016
OMV Petrom Group 
Total number of employeesnumber10,76112,34713,20113,79014,769
thereof womennumber2,5862,8322,9973,1082,951
thereof mennumber8,1759,51510,20410,68211,818
With ILC, undetermined period, full timenumber10,62712,12513,04413,56513,689
thereof womennumber2,5432,7642,9503,0342,909
thereof mennumber8,0849,36110,09410,53110,780
With ILC, undetermined period, part timenumber6101573
thereof womennumber49941
thereof mennumber21632
With ILC, determined period, full timenumber126210140225161
thereof womennumber3958387041
thereof mennumber87152102155120
With ILC, determined period, part timenumber22200
thereof womennumber01000
thereof mennumber21200
Total number of employees  
Total number of employeesnumber10,262
thereof womennumber2,430
thereof men 7,832
Total number of employeesnumber55
thereof womennumber29
thereof mennumber26
Total number of employeesnumber344
thereof womennumber74
thereof mennumber270
Total number of employeesnumber56
thereof womennumber28
thereof mennumber28
Total number of employeesnumber44
thereof womennumber25
thereof mennumber19
 UnitNumber of employees from which, women from which, men
TOTAL Group                
<30number49    13    36    
30-50number51    22    29    
50 number7    1    6    
<30number1    0    1    
30-50number2    0    2    
50number0    0    0    
<30number3    0    3    
30-50number7    3    4    
50number2    1    1    
<30number2    1    1    
30-50number1    0    1    
50 number0    0    0    
<30number0    0    0    
30-50number5    2    3    
50number0    0    0    
 UnitNumber of employees     
from which, women
from which, men
Total Group                
Romania 1681              
<30number19    5    14    
30-50number431    54    377    
>50number1,231    210    1,021    
Bulgaria 5              
<30number0    0    0    
30-50number5    3    2    
>50number0    0    0    
Kazakhstan 23              
<30number4    2    2    
30-50number17    6    11    
>50number2    1    1    
Moldova 5              
<30number2    1    1    
30-50number1    0    1    
>50number2    0    2    
Serbia 2              
<30number0    0    0    
30-50number1    1    0    
>50number1    1    0    
Supervisory Board      
< 30%00000
> 50%77.877.888.988.966.7
Executive Board      
< 30%00000
> 50%4020206080
Top Management      
> 50%31.58    

The percentage is calculated by reference to the total number of women / men and not to the total number of employees

The company has more men in the blue-collar category, where wages are lower (61 %), while 82% of women are white – collar employees with higher wages

Middle management      
30-50%55.87 n.rn.rn.r
Lower Management      
Operative Staff      
> 50%54.28    
Ratio of remuneration of women to men by employment category at Group level
Employees with ILC, undetermined period, full timeRatio1.251.301.291.271.30
Employees with ILC, determined period, full timeRatio0.390.390.40.30.55
< 30Ratio1.
Total number of employees that were entitled to parental leave as per 31.12.2020number2,5868,1752,8329,5142,99710,2043,10810,6823,32811,441
Total number of employees that took parental leave during 2020number1432512625163261503112119
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave endednumber6214571869164813204
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave ended, who were still employed twelve months after their return to worknumber511243106015429184
Performance and career development review by gender and employee category      
% of members of the organization who received performance review%46.9448.2143.4741.6136.34
% of women who received performance review%75.7277.3871.4066.0663.23
% of employees with ILC, undetermined period, full time, who received performance review%46.2947.3443.1440.8635.63
% of women, with ILC, undetermined period, full time, who received performance review%75.3076.8171.1965.7262.84
% of employees with ILC, determined period, full time, who received performance review%99.2181.9074.2986.6797.52
% of women, with ILC, determined period, full time, who received performance review%10090.6792.1180.0092.68
Average hours of training per year per employee and gender

Total Hours


Total training hours for all employeeshours135,285  
thereof malehours102,228  
thereof femalehours33,056  
Average hours of training per employeeshours12.6  
thereof malehours12.5  
thereof femalehours12.8  
Social investments in local
cashmn EUR6.313.52.52.84
in kindEUR167,052266,959433,715365,893358,688
volunteering hourshours8006,650n/an/an/a
Occupational safety – employees
UNIT 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Fatalities number 0 0 1 0 1
Fatalities rate per 100mn hours worked 0.00 0.00 3.99 0.00 3.53
Number of hours worked hours (thousand) 21,998 23,886 25,084 26,164 28,291
Lost-Time Injury rate (LTIR ) per 1 mn hours worked 0.14 0.63 0.20 0.15 0.25
High-consequence work-related injuries¹ number 0 2 1 0 1
High-consequence work-related injuries¹ per 1 mn hours worked 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.04
Lost workday injuries number 3 15 4 4 6
Lost work days (Calendar days) number 196 1.052 256 242 490
Total recordable injuries² number 8 31 20 16 17
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)3 per 1 mn hours worked 0.36 1.30 0.80 0.61 0.60
DISCLAIMER: all the figures throughout this file refer to OMV Petrom Group; worked hours are expressed in thousands and rounded to closest integer value, so minor differences may result upon reconciliation. According to GRI definitions, commuting injuries are not included in the figures and rates presented into safety performance table. 1 -Lost-time injuries that resulted in 180 (or more) lost workdays or permanent total disabilities 2 -Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-ii: Recordable work-related injuries)- Work-related injury that results in an injury from which the worker cannot, does not, or is not expected to recover fully to pre-injury health status within 6 months. 3-Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-iii: Recordable work-related injuries)-Work-related injury that results in any of the following: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid.
Occupational safety – contractors
UNIT 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Fatalities 0 0 2 0 0
Fatalities rate 0.00 0.00 4.09 0.00 0.00
Number of hours worked 42,764 46,352 48,928 43,143 51,408
Lost-Time Injury Rate (LTIR) per 1mn hours worked 0.16 0.15 0.29 0.19 0.19
High-consequence work-related injuries¹ number 1 1 1 0 1
High-consequence work-related injuries¹ per 1 mn hours worked 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02
Lost workday injuries number 7 7 12 8 10
Lost work days (Calendar days) number 496 291 967 410 400
Total recordable injuries² number 11 17 23 17 17
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)3 per 1mn hours worked 0.26 0.37 0.47 0.39 0.33
DISCLAIMER: all the figures throughout this file refer to OMV Petrom Group; worked hours are expressed in thousands and rounded to closest integer value, so minor differences may result upon reconciliation. According to GRI definitions, commuting injuries are not included in the figures and rates presented into safety performance table. 1 -Lost-time injuries that resulted in 180 (or more) lost workdays or permanent total disabilities 2 -Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-ii: Recordable work-related injuries)- Work-related injury that results in an injury from which the worker cannot, does not, or is not expected to recover fully to pre-injury health status within 6 months. 3-Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-iii: Recordable work-related injuries)-Work-related injury that results in any of the following: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid.
Occupational safety – employees and contractors
UNIT 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Lost-Time Injury Rate (LTIR) per 1 mn hours worked 0.15 0.31 0.26 0.17 0.21
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)3 per 1 mn hours worked 0.29 0.68 0.58 0.48 0.43
DISCLAIMER: all the figures throughout this file refer to OMV Petrom Group; worked hours are expressed in thousands and rounded to closest integer value, so minor differences may result upon reconciliation. According to GRI definitions, commuting injuries are not included in the figures and rates presented into safety performance table. 1 -Lost-time injuries that resulted in 180 (or more) lost workdays or permanent total disabilities 2 -Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-ii: Recordable work-related injuries)- Work-related injury that results in an injury from which the worker cannot, does not, or is not expected to recover fully to pre-injury health status within 6 months. 3-Corresponds to (GRI 403-9:2018-a-iii: Recordable work-related injuries)-Work-related injury that results in any of the following: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid.