Our vision is to promote health as an essential value, protected through individual responsibility, but powered by OMV Petrom as a responsible employer.
In the national context of a high prevalence of chronic diseases and specifically the aging population of OMV Petrom, health is a priority. Therefore, the OMV Petrom allocates a significant level of resources for the health of its employees through two organizational structures:
► Health Management department (fully integrated in OMV Petrom’s HSSE Management System, focusing mainly on strategic aspects of health);
► PetroMed Solutions SRL (an in-house health service provider, responsible for the operative delivery of health services through a network of 24 workplace clinics).
The Health Management department is responsible for developing the Health Strategy and the integration of health services, as well as for managing all health-related issues. All programs, activities and campaigns implemented and delivered by the Health Management Department are included in the annual HSSE Plan with specific deadlines and KPIs. Therefore, their implementation is mandatory and evaluated accordingly. Over the last years, all these objectives have been successfully accomplished.
The First Aid training (both the basic one and the refresh one) is coordinated by the Health Management department and delivered through the Training Product Management department. In this process, the Health Management department’s role is to set the necessary agreement with the training provider, the Romanian Red Cross, and provide all information required by the Training Product Management department to organize and deliver the training.
PetroMed services mainly consist of legally-required occupational health examinations, general medicine consultations, medical emergency support, as well as preventive medicine consultations. Over the past years, we have increased the number of preventive medicine consultations, providing our employees with specific screenings and vaccination campaigns.
All health programs and initiatives offered by OMV Petrom are gathered under one branded concept, the Health:ON! Platform, which has been active since 2014. With its attractive and interactive communication, the platform aims to change the employees’ attitude from consumers to co-producers of health.
Pandemic response and health awareness
From the first days of 2020, the PetroMed team mobilized to respond to the new emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic in the interest of OMV Petrom employees’ health. Throughout this period, we analyzed daily the evolution of the number of cases, the results of the latest research, the recommendations of international agencies and decisions adopted at the European and national level to update and develop the action plan both at PetroMed and the entire OMV Petrom Group. Thus, based on official guidelines and recommendations, we developed and distributed communication materials on the coronavirus prevention measures that OMV Petrom employees need to adopt to ensure the safety of themselves, their families and their colleagues.
Because the virus particularly affects people of certain ages and chronic illnesses, OMV Petrom employees in at-risk groups have been instructed with priority to work from home for their own safety. During the pandemic period, our medical staff is carefully monitoring their health while providing them personalized information and advice.
Also, during this period, we have been in contact with the health authorities at the central and local level for information and mutual support, and we consulted with representatives of the World Health Organization and other experts. Thus, in collaboration with the other departments within OMV Petrom, we have been able to adopt the most appropriate measures for employees’ health and implement the Company’s activity in the best conditions.
Due to the stressful context, we have provided a new psychological support service consisting of remote, fully confidential counseling sessions and aiming to help our colleagues who may experience any form of distress or anxiety. Also, together with the psychologists’ team, we have delivered specific webinars addressing main concerns in relation to the pandemic context, which registered a high participation rate among our employees.
Another special service that we launched is the PetroMed Call Line, with the support of the Doctors’ Caravan Association. The call line is available to all OMV Petrom and OPGS employees by offering advice and recommendations about COVID-19 as well as other medical issues. The call line also provides advice related to the access to various health benefits and services available in the context of pandemics.
Petromed offers general health screenings and free vaccinations against flu for all OMV Petrom S.A. employees on a voluntary basis. In 2020, 33,200 voluntary health screenings (including cardiovascular, hepatic, diabetes, creatinine, PCR test), 3,997 flu vaccinations, and 10,829 medical consultations were performed and/or organized by our medical staff.
Passport for health
Organized on a yearly basis by the HSSE Health Management Department with the support of PetroMed, the campaign aims to set prevention as a proactive approach within our community, to encourage employees to participate in voluntary health programs and adopt a healthy lifestyle, and to strengthen identity towards a culture of healthcare in OMV Petrom.
The Passport for Health is a personal tracking system where employees can keep score of all the activities, they do to adopt a healthy lifestyle (e.g., participation in screenings, vaccinations, general practitioner check-ups, sports events, health hours, filling in questionnaires on various health topics, choosing healthy company canteen menus, smoking cessation, etc.).
Passport for health continued in 2020 with its 5th edition, in a new format, exclusively online, easier to access, and by using a faster way to enroll in the competition. We started with stress resilience and continued with physical activity and a healthy diet. We delivered webinars and articles on the Intranet that tackled the three health topics and engaged our colleagues in the campaign.
The Health: ON festival!
Three days with webinars and an online championship with prizes for OMV Petrom employees.
If health were a sport, it would have been a marathon. Not a sprint, not a relay, not just a race, but a long-term commitment. We invited our colleagues to train their health at the first online health festival in OMV Petrom. We set to reach more employees with health key messages (vaccination, healthy lifestyle, COVID-19 prevention, correct body posture, health benefits awareness), engage them more, and make them feel the social impact they can have during pandemic times and to interact on health subjects. We had three days in which we found out through two webinars how to get ready for holidays, in the busiest time of the year, during pandemic times, or how to prevent back pains while working from home through a correct posture and daily exercise. On the third day, we added an online championship on health, where participants had to test their knowledge on health topics and got awarded for their contribution.
SDG 3 Target 3.8: Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.
The Private Health Insurance program
Six years have passed since the implementation of the private health insurance, available for all OMV Petrom employees. As part of the ongoing concern for our employees’ health, we have renewed this benefit for the next three years. The Private Health Insurance program is one of the most desired benefits among Romanian employees, especially in the context of increased challenges for the public health services. This benefit has proven useful since 2014, financially supporting many employees in difficult medical situations. OMV Petrom’s health insurance program remains one with the most complex medical coverage and the most competitive cost in Romania.
Within the pandemic context, we provided extra support through access to indemnities for diagnosis or hospitalization for COVID-19 cases (for all employees and family members enrolled in the new insurance program). Moreover, all employees and family members enrolled in the new insurance program benefited from the distance medical consultation service.
Status 2020 | Pandemic management and health promotion communication in relation to COVID-19. The 5th edition of the “Passport for Health” campaign, online version (120 winners) The online Health: ON! Festival (41 winners). Over 33,200 screenings performed by PetroMed for our employees, and 3,997colleagues vaccinated against flu. |
Action plan to achieve the targets | Manage COVID-19: Ensure a healthy and safe work environment for our employees, contractors and partners, and maintain OMV Petrom’s system-critical business activities. Position Health as a business asset, including awareness for individual responsibility of own health via the Health: ON! Platform (implementation of the 6th edition of the Passport for Health campaign, screenings, vaccinations). Provide sustainable health services (occupational, curative, emergency health services). |